Contact Information
Rua Professor José de Souza Herdy - Duque de Caxias, RJ 25071-202, Brasil
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Master´s Program approved at the 92nd Meeting of the Technical-Scientific Council for Higher Education (CTC-ES), in July 2006.

Doctoral Program approved at the 139th Meeting of the Technical-Scientific Council for Higher Education (CTC-ES), in September 2012.

Unigranrio’s Graduate Program in Management (PPGA) has been a member of the National Association of Graduate Business Administration Programs (ANPAD) since 2006.

The master’s and doctoratal programs are structured around the concentration area entitled “Organizational Studies”, with two lines of research, “Organizations and Society” and “Strategy and Governance”, which encompass the themes and experiences of research, academic production, teaching and guidance from the faculty members of the PPGA.


The faculty consists of professors from the area of Applied Social Sciences in partnership with the Coordination of the undergraduate Business Administration School (PROGRAD) and with the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at Unigranrio (PROPEP). Faculty members are extremely qualified and have extensive academic production and training in the best Brazilian educational institutions and overseas. Professors also participate in thesis defence committees, public tender boards, publications and conduct research in partnership with academics from other graduate programs.


Located on Campus I of UNIGRANRIO, in Duque de Caxias, RJ, the Graduate Program in Management (PPGA) provides an adequate structure for its students, encompassing a modern library at their disposal, with a digital database, in addition to study rooms and computers with Internet access.

The Program has three active Research Laboratories and seven Research Groups registered at the CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development is an organization of the Brazilian federal government under the Ministry of Science and Technology, which comprise undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs).

Master’s and doctoral students also have the opportunity to participate in teaching internship programs. PPGA professors coordinate research funded by FAPERJ (Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Brazil) and CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development), in addition to leading projects with scholarships from the institution’s Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC)- linked mainly to the Business Administration undergraduate course – and from the Junior Scientific Initiation Program.

Internship and Research

At Unigranrio, master’s and doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in the undergraduate teaching internship program and in active research groups, registered with CNPq. Still within the scope of research, PPGA students can integrate research funded by the institution’s Scientific Initiation Program – linked mainly to the undergraduate course in Business Administration – and the Junior Scientific Initiation Program, which is associated with the Colégio de Aplicação José de Souza Herdy.